Reusch Goalkeeping Stories



Let’s reach out our hands and help.
Together with our international athlete-community we have decided to contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by raising funds for the ASST Fatebenefratelli Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan (Lombardy/Italy), one of the cities and regions that have been struck in the most tragic way by the Coronavirus disease.

All funds will go to ASST Fatebenefratelli Luigi Sacco in order to support the hospital’s non-stop efforts in this dramatic emergency situation. Your donations will be directly used for the acquisition of equipment, goods and services as well as the implementation of specific initiatives to improve care and assistance activities. This fundraising campaign is officially approved by the receiving organisation (ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco).
Thank you to each single one of you for your support – even the smallest donation helps!
All of you goalkeepers, now we are all part of the same team!
All of you skiers, this is our most important race!
All of you out there, together we are strong!

Join the fight against COVID-19 and donate now: